The title of this post is a reworking
of the Green Movement's mantra of:
"Think Globally - Act Locally"
Much has been written, both online and
off about carrying this out in our
efforts to address the crisis that this
planet is in. Considerably less has been
said about this concept in our "spiritual"
development as a species, and as individuals.
Don't get me wrong, Mr Tollle, Mr Chopra are addressing this in their own
ways, but implementing this as individuals
takes some thought and occassionally some
interaction with others on their own journeys.
Eckhart Tolle is definitely the most visible
personality currently in the Self-Actualization
"movement". He speaks and writes about the
gradual enlightening of us as a species and it's
implications long term for the very nature of
our existence.
While I can't say I agree with all of his
conclusions, I would agree that something will
fundamentally change as this type of inner
directed progress becomes more and more prevalent.
This conclusion does not ignore the fact that
there is probably just as much written, spoken,
posted and shouted declaring Mr Tolle to be an
AntiChrist as there is in exploring what he
actually has to say. Can you name one single
time when real progress was not met with
opposition if not open hostility and resistance?
And yet we have radio, television, an accurate
globe for our map of the world, as well as a
basic understanding of how we function as an
organism. I say basic, as this whole area of
our "spiritual" side and how it interacts with
our physical selves is still mostly a mystery.
Dont' get me wrong, I see the amazing things
being accomplished in this realm. It is obvious
to me however, that the really cataclysmic type
of advances are all in front of us.
The type of sharing and coaching that is now
being done, such as Mr Tolle's webclass with
Oprah Winfrey makes the journey more accessible
for many, but this is still mostly a solitary
journey. One which will happen for each individual
at a different pace, and in no set order.
This is why I say that it is important to Think
Universally and yet Apply Internally.
If you seek confirmation of what you have been
experiencing on your path, you will more often
than not be frustrated, and in come cases
Our spiritual selves are definitely in a state
of evolutionary flux. This is true for us whether
we acknowledge it or not. Railing against it is
as fruitless as complaining about the tide. It
will just roll in anyway...
It probably shouldn't surprise me so much that
most of the resistance to this comes from what
passes as "Christianity". The very things that
are shouted down due to "faith in the Bible" can
be directly linked to things that Jesus spoke
and taught about regularly.
On the other hand, the Bible speaks frequently
about the importance of cleanliness, and yet at
one time the "Christian Church" forbade bathing.
Just remember that all or your most important
accomplishments in this arena will occur with
no witnesses. The satisfaction that you draw
from them must also come from within. This is
not to say that they cannot be shared to a
certain extent. Just don't be disappointed if
you are unable to get the magnitude of what you
experienced across. Your accomplishment remains.
And your accomplishment adds to that of us as
a race as well on some level. So continue to
Think Universally but remember that you must
Apply Internally...
Eat a Peach!
Floyd Bogart
Thanks. I enjoyed reading this. I have followed up with more extensive comments here:
Yes it is definitely a problem that is not going to go away just by ignoring it. We must step forward and make a stand. Each of us has a responsibility to repair what we have managed to harm. We all need to start small. When we change one thought it begins a series of changes that we may not be aware of. Everything once began as a thought.
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