The title of this post is a reworking of the Green Movement's mantra of: "Think Globally - Act Locally"
Much has been written, both online and off about carrying this out in our efforts to address the crisis that this planet is in. Considerably less has been said about this concept in our "spiritual" development as a species, and as individuals.
Don't get me wrong, Mr Tollle, Mr Chopra are addressing this in their own ways, but implementing this as individuals takes some thought and occassionally some interaction with others on their own journeys.
Eckhart Tolle is definitely the most visible personality currently in the Self-Actualization "movement". He speaks and writes about the gradual enlightening of us as a species and it's implications long term for the very nature of our existence.
While I can't say I agree with all of his conclusions, I would agree that something will fundamentally change as this type of inner directed progress becomes more and more prevalent.
This conclusion does not ignore the fact that there is probably just as much written, spoken, posted and shouted declaring Mr Tolle to be an AntiChrist as there is in exploring what he actually has to say. Can you name one single time when real progress was not met with opposition if not open hostility and resistance?
And yet we have radio, television, an accurate globe for our map of the world, as well as a basic understanding of how we function as an organism. I say basic, as this whole area of our "spiritual" side and how it interacts with our physical selves is still mostly a mystery.
Dont' get me wrong, I see the amazing things being accomplished in this realm. It is obvious to me however, that the really cataclysmic type of advances are all in front of us.
The type of sharing and coaching that is now being done, such as Mr Tolle's webclass with Oprah Winfrey makes the journey more accessible for many, but this is still mostly a solitary journey. One which will happen for each individual at a different pace, and in no set order.
This is why I say that it is important to Think Universally and yet Apply Internally.
If you seek confirmation of what you have been experiencing on your path, you will more often than not be frustrated, and in come cases ridiculed.
Our spiritual selves are definitely in a state of evolutionary flux. This is true for us whether we acknowledge it or not. Railing against it is as fruitless as complaining about the tide. It will just roll in anyway...
It probably shouldn't surprise me so much that most of the resistance to this comes from what passes as "Christianity". The very things that are shouted down due to "faith in the Bible" can be directly linked to things that Jesus spoke and taught about regularly.
On the other hand, the Bible speaks frequently about the importance of cleanliness, and yet at one time the "Christian Church" forbade bathing.
Just remember that all or your most important accomplishments in this arena will occur with no witnesses. The satisfaction that you draw from them must also come from within. This is not to say that they cannot be shared to a certain extent. Just don't be disappointed if you are unable to get the magnitude of what you experienced across. Your accomplishment remains.
And your accomplishment adds to that of us as a race as well on some level. So continue to Think Universally but remember that you must Apply Internally...
With all the uproar (both positive and negative) about the Eckhart Tolle/Oprah Winfrey webclass, I thought it might be good to take a look at the effect that this type of self development is having on an actual human life.
I came across a blog post in a Google Alert I that I have set up to keep me informed about just this kind of thing. Julie is a blogger that goes by the title of Nature Chick. Her blog is not about her spiritual progress, but about her life in general as many of the best blogs are.
Take a look at her post about The Power of Now and it's affect on her life HERE.
She doesn't seem to have become a zombie, or a self denying ascetic. Actually she just seems to have become someone that is enjoying life for the first time in quite a while.
I see, hear nor feel anything within this woman's experience to concern me for her emotional or spiritual wellbeing. What is more, I see no danger to her personal belief structure either.
We live in a society where dysfunction seems to be the norm instead of the exception, and not everyone has the resources, time or even the emotional strength and will to overcome their issues via intensive therapy.
So maybe this is a shortcut to a healthier life and world view that can allow a significant portion of the population to live a happier and more fulfilling life...
Invariably, the arguments against applying these tenets to life seem to be extreme interpretations of what Mr Tolle is saying.
This is not an isolated instance to approaching Self Development or Self Improvement issues. The answer to challenges to what is being said regarding by Mr. Tolle, is usually the same one to counter those against Deepak Chopra or even to the Bible.
You have to apply what is being said with balance.
Principles being taught, are taken out of context and discussed as if they are all encompassing, and not intended to be applied within the confines of a particular paradigm.
This is not balanced.
Balance is at the heart of what each of the three sources referenced above espouses. Tolle, Chopra and God are each all about applying principles in our lives with balance.
It is frequently stated that you can quote scriptures to defend almost any point of view that you wish. This is only true if you do so without the balancing influence of it's context.
Likewise, to say that Eckhart Tolle is advocating a total relinquishing of the concept of self, is not a balanced application of his intent. This particular principle must be viewed in the context of the current over emphasis on self that is prevalent in society today, which is just as unbalanced.
For that matter, if you want to criticize Eckhart Tolle for preaching a denial of self, you have to throw out most of the Bible as well anyway.
In approaching illnesses and other of life's problems by addressing all three aspects of a person's being, Dr Speed seems to be using balance, in my opinion.
No doubt I will be posting more about balance in future posts...